About us

Our mission

Our research focuses on electrochemical energy conversion devices and systems for decarbonized and zero emission power generation, energy storage and industrial manufacturing applications. We characterize and explore the fundamental physical and chemical processes of electrochemistry and thermodynamics to discover new concepts, advance new devices, conceptualize novel process integration, and scale-up systems to final applications.


Our methods


Our methodology is both numerical and experimental. Our research aims at bridging emerging technologies and demonstration projects. We strive for a collaborative working environment to include economic, environmental, societal, and resource availability aspects to support the development of these technologies. The collaboration with industrial partners and public funding agencies ensures the placement of these technologies within an economic and environmental policy framework.

Our vision

We strongly believe that electrochemical systems and hydrogen-based chemicals will play a major role in enabling the conversion to more sustainable industrial and manufacturing sectors and a unique part in democratically empowering people for the new challenges related to climate change.