Mastropasqua has been selected by the Advanced Research Project Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) to receive an Inspiring Generations of New Innovators to Impact Technologies in Energy 2024 (IGNIITE 2024) award.
Slashing the carbon footprint of steel production
HERD Lab Awarded with $10M from DOE Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office
The University of Wisconsin-Madison and its partners aim to demonstrate a first-of-a-kind integration of a solid oxide electrolyzer cell (SOEC) with an industrial direct reduction (DR) shaft furnace. SOEC integration with a shaft furnace offers …
HERD involved in a U.S. DOE HySteel Project
Steel production continues to be the most impactful industrial sector in our economy in terms of carbon emissions. The main difference compared to just a couple of years ago is that now, a plethora of …